The thing is, if I continue to publicly bare my soul on this blog, I am not being completely honesty until I confess: in addition to loathing Okra Ikea and despising Halloween . . . yes, I have a bone to pick with Christmas as well. This must not come as much of a shock really. “Lighten up, Chick,” you must be thinking, “is there nothing in this world you enjoy?!” Believe me, I have caught myself thinking the same thing actually. I wasn’t always this way. As a child, of course, I fully subscribed to the magic and fun of all of these things (aside from Ikea, which I’m pretty sure I never enjoyed). I won’t bore you with another self-indulgent diatribe on overdone holidays (see my post on Halloween for that) except to say, as an adult, the garishly commercial presents presence of Christmas suddenly seems to be all I can see what with the gnawing responsibility of forming something as enormous as, oh I don’t know, a child’s belief system. So when we travelled to Prague last week in Keegan’s self-proclaimed search of not so elusive Christmas, I was quietly relieved when we realized we had neglected sufficient due diligence and found ourselves touring the city exactly one week BEFORE the festivities and infamous Christmas Markets arrived. Herein lies the irony, however. The one holiday, gobble gobble, I actually do enjoy (which in turn Keegan scoffs at, another subject entirely) is the ONE holiday I had completely forgotten due to current location until my NYC friend said, “What are you guys doing for Thanksgiving?!” “Oh crap, Thanksgiving is this week?! I guess we aren’t doing anything . . .” I couldn’t get off the phone with her until I accepted the warm and generous invitation of dinner at her place and Liam and I spent an intimate late afternoon with her and her hubs, her parents, and the kiddos. We enjoyed a scaled down version of the classic Thanksgiving spread, complete with our contribution of Pumpkin Pie.
That's what I'm talking about . . . . nice and simple . . . a couple of turkeys and some pumpkins. Bah Humbug.
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